The Adventure Awaits

The Trails. They began at the edge of my childhood stomping grounds. We don’t know where they came from, but every summer these trails were ridden daily by the kids of the neighborhood on our bicycles. We had landmarks like “The Island,” “The Swamp,” “The Car” (seriously there was an old, beat-up rusted car in the middle of the woods for no reason), and “The Snake.” We had an absolute blast riding for hours on end several days a week. It has been decades since I’ve last set foot in those woods, so I don’t know the status of their existence after all these years. One thing I do know, the memories of those adventures still bring a smile to this day not just with me but my friends.

The funny thing about those adventures from childhood are they were never really thought out nor planned, they just happened. In many ways, that is how we approach reading the Bible – it happens, we don’t necessarily plan it out. We have memories from those encounters, but they get fuzzy over time if we are honest with ourselves.

But what if we approached our time with God with a plan and focus to HEAR from Him on a consistent basis? What if we made a commitment to ride this “trail” today and that “trail” tomorrow with a focus to HEAR from the God of the universe? What would the adventure be that He takes us on, and a year from now when we look back, what will our memories be of our time with our Lord?

I’m excited to go on this journey with you. I look forward to hearing what God does along the way and to look back a year from now at where He’s taken us.

Below you will find a Bible study method that has benefited me greatly and that I encourage others to learn and use. While it is not the only method, it is the one I use and recommend. The point is not what method we use, but that we approach our personal Bible study with our heart set to hear from God.

Below you will find the downloadable file of outlining the H.E.A.R. method of Bible study, the year-long New Testament reading calendar, a link to a sign-up for weekly text reminders, and *blank H.E.A.R. Journal pages. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to the adventure that awaits us!


Bro. Mark

*You are free to purchase or use your own journal for this journey. The blank journal pages are provided as another option.



Join us on the adventure of a lifetime! An adventure to fall deeper in love with God and the Word of God.

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book summaries (PDF)